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Xuzhou Museum was selected into the seventh batch of "China's 20th century architectural heritage" project list

On February 16, the seminar on the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage in the construction of cultural cities and the seventh batch of China's 20th century architectural heritage projects were held in Maoming, Guangzhou. The event introduced 100 "China's 20th Century Architectural Heritage" projects, including Xuzhou Museum.


       由中國文物學(xué)會(huì )、中國建筑學(xué)會(huì )聯(lián)合主辦的中國20世紀建筑遺產(chǎn)推介項目名錄自2016年首次公布以來(lái),目前已向業(yè)界及社會(huì )推介了七批共697個(gè)“中國20世紀建筑遺產(chǎn)”項目,涉及紀念建筑、會(huì )堂建筑、教科文體建筑、住宅與住區、醫療建筑、辦公建筑、賓館建筑、交通建筑、商業(yè)建筑、工業(yè)建筑等十多種門(mén)類(lèi),時(shí)間跨度百余年。“中國20世紀建筑遺產(chǎn)”項目評選自2016年9月首次舉辦以來(lái),得到了建筑界、文物界、設計界等社會(huì )各界的廣泛關(guān)注,對增強建筑遺產(chǎn)保護工作、普及傳統審美文化、傳播建筑設計知識起到了重要的推動(dòng)作用。

       The main building of Xuzhou Museum was planned and designed by a team led by Guan Zhaoye, an academician of the CAE Member, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University. The architectural design not only has the image characteristics of traditional museums, but also adds architectural carvings reflecting the historical and cultural characteristics of the Han Dynasty in Xuzhou, thus forming a museum building with distinctive regional characteristics that adapts to the urban geographical and historical environment of Xuzhou. The design won the "Second Prize of Excellent Engineering Design" of the Ministry of Education in 2000. After the completion of construction, the finished building photo of Xuzhou Museum was selected as the cover photo of the journal by China Architecture in that year, which was recognized and praised by all parties. Now the main building of Xuzhou Museum has become an important symbol representing the cultural characteristics of the two Han dynasties in Xuzhou.

Xuzhou Museum will take the opportunity of this selection to continuously publicize and promote the protection concept of the 20th century architectural heritage to the society, make full use of the latest international heritage protection vision, and jointly promote the development of China's 20th century architectural heritage protection in the spirit of cultural confidence and reverence for the classics. (Writer: Zhang Shengnan Reviewed by: Liu Zhaojian Released by: Du Bin)